God's Word Is Alive!


God's Word is Alive!  


TV Show


Crystal Bowers 


God's Promises!

Berean Women


Timeless Treasures Cookbook !

Your Questions



Need Hope?

Need Bible?

Need God?


    As you are aware, there are many details that go into bringing a minister to an area for an event. Please complete this form and provide as much information as possible.  Your information will assist us in the initial booking process.  

    Please be aware that this serves as an INVITATION only, and NOT a confirmation of appearance.  This will merely assist us in making the best possible decision while doing all we can in the Lord to meet your requested dates.  

    Thank you for answering the following questions and submitting this form.  Upon receipt of your completed form, we will contact you with further details.  We are honored and look forward to working with you for the arrangements of Crystal Bowers coming to your area. 


[FrontPage Save Results Component]


Spam Blocker - Type in "Greetings"
        Church/Ministry Name: 
Pastor's/Event's Director's Name
Contact Name:
Telephone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Email Address:
Website Address:


Street Address:  (No PO Boxes Please) 
Zip Code/PC:
Fax Number:
Other Information:



On what topic(s) would you like Crystal Bowers to teach? 

What are the needs of your community? 


        Date(s) you would like to book? 
Time of day for expected ministry:
Type of event (Conference, Crusade, Convention, Church meeting, etc.):



        Name of Church, Venue or Event:
Location of Event (City):
Zip Code/PC/Country:
Seating Capacity:
Expected number for attendance:
How are you publicizing this event?

Are there any other Artist(s) or Minister(s) expected to be part of this event? If Yes, please provide details:


    Please review your form before submitting.  This is a request ONLY and does not serve as a confirmation of booking.   Once we have received this form we will contact you with regards to this request.  We look forward to serving the Lord God Almighty together and for His Glory Alone!! May Jesus Christ continue to bless you! 


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Copyright © 2004 Billboards for Christ, Inc. P.O. Box 27, Chester, Maryland, USA 21619-0027  All Bible verses are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright© 1973,1978,1984 by International Bible Society®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.   Last modified: February 20, 2010