Crystal Bowers has been taped for teaching God's Word on channel #3 cable TV in Queen Anne's County, Maryland. While the lessons are only 5 minutes long, they are jam packed with Wisdom, Insight, Joy, Hope and Truth from God's Word, the Bible. The six shows are taped at one time, which cover one topic. Consequently, the topic is broken into six lessons which are shown consecutively. Below is the listing as they appear. Mrs. Bowers is also a chapel speaker and teacher of God's Word for luncheons. For her 20 minute lessons, please see this brief list. You may contact her directly. To hear what people are saying about Mrs. Crystal Bowers, click here. TV Topic 1 - How God Communicates with you and me.
For more details on this lesson, please see Communication. 20 minute lessons, brief listing - What is Worship? Are you a caterpillar or Butterfly? What kind of a Father is God? Jesus at 12. Celebrate Christ-mas! Hannah, a troubled woman who was heard! Author of Blog PsalmThirty4 at Sixty-six books in a year
Living a Life as a New Creation is very different than what you were like before. The way you think, feel, sense, and even your personal "power" is different because you have the The Holy Spirit living inside of you now. It is wise of you to seek understanding. Reading good Christian books that are Biblically based helps us to grow as God's sons and daughters (1 John 3:1, John 3:3-21). There are two books we recommend because they are simple, direct and in contemporary English with writing that is fresh and relevant. They are both by the same author, Ryan Dobson. The titles are - 2 Die 4 and 2 Live 4. (Yes, they have numbers in their titles.) You should be able to get them at a discounted price at Christianbook.com Home. We hope they are a blessing to you. Please let us know if we can be of any further insight or help. God's blessings to you!!! Col 1:9-14
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Copyright © 2004 Billboards for Christ, Inc. P.O. Box 27, Chester, Maryland, USA 21619-0027 All Bible verses are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright© 1973,1978,1984 by International Bible Society®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Last modified: May 07, 2011 |